Colour Project Y2

Colour Project Y2
The colour project was a follow on from the summer project and we were given the brief about colour, which basically means we could do anything we wanted as long as it was colour! This was great as my theme could be anything and it would give me a little taster to how i would need to think for my end of year show. I focused on animals and patterns by generating my own patterns. I was able to create my own outcome and i wanted to create 3 box frames. 

 I began my colour studies by creating small colour pallet squares, i looked at cool colours, warm colours and neutral colours. It helped me as i was able to look back at it and pick out colours that were suitable in for me in this project.

I looked at the work of Traci Bautista as she uses a lot of colour in her work and various stitching on top. At this point i didn't know what i wanted to create so i was trying to get inspiration by looking at other people's work

I looked at 2 more artists that uses colour in their work, Tricia Guild from Designer Guild and Ruth Issets. i viewed Ruth's work when i look a trip to Harrogate Knit and Stitch Show. The artists work inspired me to experiment more in my sketchbook and these were some of my results. I researched a little into the history of textiles and i could get a more understanding of where it come from.

Once i had an idea about my theme i began to look at artists that work in that style. I came across Alice Palace and Ashley Percival. I liked the style of Alice by the use of painted and layered background with animals layered on top.

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