British Culture FMP Y1

British Culture FMP Y1 

British culture was an interesting yet huge variety project as we were given the brief about British Culture which means we could focus on absolutely anything as long as it was British. The possibilities were endless. So in the end I settled for a British tea party, as i was undecided at first.

My theme.. British tea party, involves cupcakes, teacups, tea pots, spoons, doylies, buntings, floral and pink! in my sketchbook I experimented with imagery and different styles of cupcakes, I have also include some textile techniques that links to that page.
I used this little great idea for annotation in my sketchbook. It's really simple but effective. Half a doily and half a cupcake stuck to one side of the doily, with my annotation on the other side!

I started by collecting images based on my theme, i then began to draw from the images and also collaring them by putting ripped up images of cupcakes and teapots behind my line drawings.

The first image is a page from my sketchbook showing my screen printing methods, here i have explained and shown how i would screen print my designs by layering up colours. i feel this method is a great way to help me visualise how my samples/final piece turn out.
The second image is showing my results my screen printing the outline on top of a silhouette as well a appliqué the strawberry green leaves and then machine stitch the outline on top.

These are a couple of my samples from the British Culture project, I have developed my drawings into machine stitched layered samples and utilised my screen by layering and stitching into them. I feel i have experimented with a wide range of techniques including machine stitch, image maker, applique and reverse applique, and some hand stitching including hand stitching french nots.

To create this print i used doilies as it links to a British Tea Party, i really like this print as its flexible as i could cut it up but still recognisable as a doily. I used this print to cover my buttons on the back of my large cushion. It was very successful because it worked well against a pink stripy background.

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